Ever wonder who decides what programming appears within the Southeastern Channel schedule?

A staff member?

The almighty “algorithm?”

A secretive panel of elite advisors learned in all aspects of educational television?

All or none of those possibilities may actually be true.  We are, however, excited to announce a unique opportunity in which that mysterious entity COULD BE YOU!

Starting this month, we will post a single “burning question” on our website.

Send us your answer via the contact form at the bottom of our website and you are automatically in the running for a chance to program the Southeastern Channel for a full 24 hours!

Want a Columbia Theatre retrospective? No problem.

Endless PSAs? It’s up to you.

A marathon of YOUR OWN LECTURES? Also a very real possibility.

Keep an eye on for the “burning question” of the month and your chance to create the programming schedule of your dreams.