Southeastern Channel graduates Wesley Boone and Raychelle Riley spoke recently at the annual Louisiana Association of Broadcasters (LAB) Student Workshop and Job Fair in Baton Rouge. The two Channel graduates were guest television panelists at the workshop who spoke to students about working in the television industry. Both are former Louisiana Association of Broadcasters’ Student Broadcaster of the Year recipients, winning over all college students in the state as selected by the state’s television and radio professionals. Boone, now Sports Director at KTAL-TV Ch. 6 (NBC) in Shreveport, La. (DMA 86), worked as a sports reporter/anchor at KALB-TV Ch. 5 (NBC) in Alexandria, La. (DMA 181) and later at NBC Sports California (DMA 6) in San Francisco before moving to Shreveport. At the Southeastern Channel, he was a national award-winning reporter/anchor for “The Big Game”, named by College Broadcasters, Inc. (CBI) as the best student sportscast in the nation, and game announcer for the channel’s live Southeastern sports broadcasts. Riley, now a TV news reporter for WGMB/WVLA-TV (FOX 44/NBC33) in Baton Rouge, La. (DMA 94), was an award-winning anchor-reporter for the Southeastern Channel’s, “Northshore News”, also honored by CBI as the country’s best student newscast. In addition, Riley received the LAB’s 2020 Student Broadcasting Scholarship while in school. While at Southeastern, Riley also worked one summer in New York as Southeastern’s first-ever intern for SLU alum and Emmy-winning news anchor, Robin Roberts, at ABC’s Good Morning America.