Former Southeastern Channel producer, director, videographer and editor Mason Dauphin has guided the St. Charles Public School System to six national video awards given by the National School Public Relations Association at its 2022 Publications and Digital Media Excellence Contest. As Public Information Coordinator of Multimedia Services for the St. Charles Parish School System, Dauphin led St. Charles to the National Award of Merit for the videos “End of the Year Community, Thank You” and the “2022 Bond Issue.” Dauphin’s department received Honorable Mention recognition for videos on “2021 Principal of the Year”, “2021 Employee Appreciation”, “2021-2022 Students of the Year”, and “2022 Teachers of the Year.” All total, St. Charles Parish won 15 national awards. As the coordinator of video services and digital media, Dauphin shoots live events and cinematic footage of parish students participating in academic, athletic, arts and cultural activities. He also makes graphic design announcements for the parish’s social media and billboards around the parish. In addition, Dauphin runs Cox Communications Public Access Channel 8 with 24/7 content produced by students, faculty and himself. He produces “On Board”, a faculty talk show hosted by the parish’s public information director, and the monthly show, “You and I..Need to Know”, with Parish School Superintendent, Felecia Gomez-Walker. Dauphin moved to the St. Charles position from KLFY-TV (CBS) Ch. 10 in Lafayette (DMA 121) where he was Promotions Producer. He played a key role in KLFY’s winning the Louisiana Association of Broadcasters’ “Promotion of the Year” in 2018 utilizing Dauphin’s graphics and animation skills.
While at the Southeastern Channel, Dauphin won WorldFest Film Festival and national Videographer Awards for his editing of short films, promos, PSAs, and segments for “College Night”, the student comedy show which won first in the nation in 2018 given by College Broadcasters, Inc. at the National Student Production Awards in Seattle.