“College Night”, the Southeastern Channel’s premiere destination for student-produced short films and sketch comedy, was recently awarded “best comedy” honors by College Broadcasters Inc., a national organization of media educators and advocates. The episode, which debuted in May 2023, was the result of four months of intense planning, location, and post-production activity, all directed by student staff at the Southeastern Channel.
Showrunner Wade Jones acknowledged the value of the collaborative nature of the show, as well as the attention to detail required for some segments. “The entire production process gave me plenty of experience with complex editing as well as writing,” said Jones. “The intro to one of our segments took me nearly a week to finish in Adobe After Effects.” Writer and director Christian Olivier admits that one three-second shot took hours to complete, although the results highlighted a production that was “a fun and satisfying undertaking, certainly showcasing some of our best work.”
A staple of the Southeastern Channel programming lineup for several years, “College Night” has evolved into a popular forum for student-produced narrative content. “I wish I would have joined the show sooner in my college career,” stated actor and editor Jase Stafford, “but I am grateful for the knowledge gained and projects produced during my time. I know the program will only get better from here.” Fellow actor and producer Joliette Vincent agreed, noting that the show “has really helped me understand the effort that goes into making an effective short film or sketch piece.” Other students credited with work on the winning episode include Josh Law, Carson Fryou, and Brian Kline.
The award was part of CBI’s overall National Student Production Awards program. Other Southeastern Channel distinctions include a third-place award for the December 2022 episode of “College Night,” as well as a fourth-place notice for the May 2022 installment of “Northshore News.”
Watch the episode here: https://youtu.be/OynvoNRrawE